Get the Best Ability – Daniel J. Koren's

Get the Best Ability

Posted by danieljkoren on January 21, 2011 in Devotional |

Once upon a time a basketball player had injured his leg so severely the doctors told him it would have to be amputated to save his life. He signed the consent forms and they put him under. The next day he awoke and found that they had taken off the wrong leg! Quickly, they sedated him again and took off the bad leg. Of course he filed a medical malpractice lawsuit. He lost that case though—he didn’t have a leg to stand on!

Will someone with godly character please stand up?

When someone lets you down, have you ever felt like you were depending on a “broken leg”? Reliable people seem to be part of a displaced generation. Faithfulness seems as historic as the horse and buggy. Whether in business, family, prayer, or Bible reading, very few know what it means to be consistent anymore.

Some think they are actively involved in their church when they only come to every other service. Couldn’t they call and let someone know if they have to miss? Are parents showing their kids the same devotion to church as they teach them towards their soccer team?

If no one else is persistent today, the child of God must be. If nobody keeps their promises, let the believers continue to do so. God promises that “A faithful man shall abound with blessings” (Proverbs 28:20). In everyone’s hurry to put their best foot forward, let’s develop diligence in the things of God.

Dependable people step out from the crowd

I’ve got to determine that the weather is no excuse. The kids are not a chance for me to cop out. My mood doesn’t change the fact that I promised, I committed, I agreed to do something that another is expecting of me.

That skilled basketball player isn’t running and doing lay-ups any more. He’s not dribbling the ball around half-court during warm-ups. He’s not scoring at all now. He may have been an expert at one time, but now, without a good leg to stand on, he’s just an on-looker. You and I, however, can get our feet under us by stepping out and doing what God has called us to. Reliable people take a “no excuses” approach to life and just do the important things anyway.

He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much” (Luke 16:10)

That fictional basketball player may have had great ability at one time; better than that, though, is the person who develops dependability. Are you a pastor or teacher who wants to develop reliable saints? Go to and teach the free lesson on establishing loyal church members. The PowerPoint file and student study guides are free to download.

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