The Dirty Side of God – Daniel J. Koren's

The Dirty Side of God

Posted by danieljkoren on January 14, 2011 in Devotional |

Jesus grew up with bratty brothers and sisters. He lived in a dirty little town that needed a revival pretty bad. His mom was one of those smothering types who always had to be involved in her son’s life. His earthly dad died, leaving Jesus to care for the family. Then in ministry, Jesus had to deal with religious knot heads and jealous officials. His crucifixion brought death in a rather non-glorious manner. If you or I were beaten the same way, we would die, too.

God took on dirt-made flesh

Sometimes we get so focused on the wonder of Jesus as God we forget that He is human. By only saying “Jesus is God” we exempt ourselves from having to learn from Him. We assume He sailed through temptation with miracle power. However, He overcame sin the same way we must overcome it, by prayer, using Scripture, and pursuing righteousness.

Jesus, “in the days of his flesh” set an example for us when He “offered up prayers and supplications with strong crying and tears” (Hebrews 5:7). Too often, I try to face my challenges with more will power, positive thinking, or sheer determination. Jesus, however, got on His face and bawled His eyes out. I don’t feel so bad now, when I have to.

Trinity thinking confuses the issue

The Lord Jesus introduced Himself to us as a Son who depended on His heavenly Father for direction each day. While some people shy away from the Father/Son language of the Bible, we should use it the same way Jesus did. By calling Himself the Son, Jesus was not endorsing some Trinity idea.

If the Trinity were true, you would have a person in God praying to another person in God. That is not theology, it is just plain weird. However, when we realize that Jesus was a human being like you and me, He had to depend on the Spirit of God to do everything He did.

Jesus was co-dependent on the Enabler

Jesus said, “The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do” (John 5:19). Why should I try to live better than Jesus? I have tried so many stupid things on my own. I have made so many rash decisions and started too many projects without looking to see what my heavenly Father was doing. I cannot do anything unless I see my Lord doing it. The only place I see the Father is in prayer and the Word—the same place Jesus did.

How did Jesus do miracles? The same way you do: God working in flesh. So many mysteries clear up when I stop taking away Christ’s humanity. The mystery of God is not just that He could be in Christ, reconciling the world to Himself—the continuing mystery is how God could be in me! When God came in the flesh, not only did divinity become part of humanity, but humanity has become a permanent part of God.

I invite you to meet the Jesus who is just like you, in a

six-day interactive devotional found at

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  • nancy randolph says:

    I am not commenting on this story but the one in the pentecostal herald (thanks mom) about watching dirty, sinful people. I understand what you was saying, but the way it came across was that you had no sin and they did. We are all dirty sinful people before we get the holy ghost. and Im sure you didnt mean it like that but it sounded self righteous. Im just saying it was offensive because you did not include your self at some point. Im just trying to be helpful. Yours respectfully, Nancy Randolph

    • danieljkoren says:

      Thank you for sharing how you feel. I am sorry it gave that impression. The focus of that sentence was to show the amazing power of God to change lives just like He changes caterpillars into butterflies.
      Unfortunately, I had 48 hours notice for writing that piece and did not hone it as well as I could have.
      You are right, we are all dirty and sinful. Only through Christ do we have any hope of holiness.

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