He Sleeps in Your Bed – Daniel J. Koren's

He Sleeps in Your Bed

Posted by danieljkoren on March 11, 2011 in Devotional |

Do you magnify little problems into monsters?I looked at my situation from every angle. I could not find anyway out. I despaired of hope. I quit trying. I said things would never improve. Then, God showed me my problem was not my problem.

Refocus your focus

My problem was that I had focused so closely on my worries that they overwhelmed me. I could not see around them and felt helpless. Then God pointed out to me, as I read His word, that I should not focus on my problems. I should focus on Him.

The more I focus on my problems the bigger they seem. If you take a high-powered microscope to your bed, you will find numerous little monsters called dust mites. These things would make you lose sleep if you could really see them. When I become an expert on my challenges and crises, I can see nothing else.

How to focus on hope

You focus on life-giving power when you zoom in on the Lord. Look at Jesus by worshiping Him. Tell Him how great He is. Talk to Him about His character, tell Him how much you love Him.

This is how Paul survived all the trials he faced (which are nothing compared to what we have gone through). He was beaten, imprisoned, and rejected. He called this a “light affliction, which is but for a moment” and it

worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory; while we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal. (II Corinthians 4:17-18)


Here are three ways we focus:

  • Magnify – this means we zoom in until we see every detail. Does this describe how you view God or your trials?
  • Glorify – this means we add weight to something which others take lightly. Do you see God as heavy-duty or do you see your worries as overbearing?
  • Exalt – this is to lift up something by talking about it. Do you speak more highly of God or do you give more attention to the economy, bad weather, or your health problems?

Ignore the monsters, see the Master

How much time do you spend focusing on the things that are seen? Spend your day focusing on Jesus. Look at the problems when they need attention, but do not dwell on them. Do not borrow tomorrow’s trouble. Talk to God about how great He is right now. Trust Him to be there when the challenge, worry, or fear comes to a head.

When you zoom in on the Lord, the worries and fears do not look nearly so big. Worship the Lord Jesus until He is all you see. You will sleep much better.


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  • lessie hubbard says:

    Reading this has given me such great insight, i lost my job almost3 years ago and me and my husband lives with his mother, and him and her has a very very stranded relationship and she doesnt really care for me, i have always respected her and never said any harsh words to her but i think she feels jealous of our relationship. my husband works i dont i have swelling on my back and hip, the pain is so intense i can barely walk sometimes. i have no income at all, but the lord has blessed my husband to continue to work. i would like to go to the doctor more but we cant afford it. i focused so much on wanting to get away from her home, worrying because i dont have a job,just focusing on my situation. i prayed and asked God what did he need me to do, i prayed to hear his voice. I could not believe when i woke up this past Saturday and it was clear i woke up and said stop focusing on your situation and focus on my word. It was so clear, i now knew what i needed to do. i felt so honored to hear Gods words, i was living in fear and fear consumed my life, its hard for me living here but i trust god and believe and love him so much, i wouldn’t be able to survive without him. I feel as though he brought me to this website. sometimes we only have 3.00 to our name most weeks, but god is good. thank you Lord for all you do.

    • danieljkoren says:

      I think we all have to go through tough times like this to help us enjoy the good times. Thank you for sharing your story. I pray God brings you through this valley so that you are shouting on the hills! He is right, keep your mind on His promises and you will find His joy.

  • April says:

    I am blessed to read this. In my life I have learned how to focus on the bad and seldom focus on the good. God is doing some remarkable things in my life. Things only I would know are necessary. But I’ve been programmed to see whatever problem in the blessing and it has been hard for me to just be happy. Yesterday for the first time in awhile I magnified God in a conversation and ignored any problem that was there. Even though I felt better, this morning during my sleep I start dreaming of the negative and I wake up trying to figure out whether that was God or the devil. I decided to trust God again and say he knows my heart.This was a step of faith. And after reading this page this is what God is asking us to do. He will continue to guide me.

    • danieljkoren says:

      Wonderful to hear that you are growing in the Lord. When you read the psalms, you’ll notice many of them begin in discouragement and negativity but end in praise and rejoicing. May all your encounters with the Lord leave you full of joy in Him.

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