Anger the Religious Establishment – Daniel J. Koren's

Anger the Religious Establishment

Posted by danieljkoren on April 16, 2011 in Devotional |

If you want to make religious control freaks mad, then involve children in worship to the Lord. The religious establishment grew furious when they saw and heard the children saying, “Hosanna to the Son of David!” Traditionalists like things they can control. They want children out of sight and out of mind. Not only did Jesus invite children to sit in His lap, He encouraged them to join and even surpass adults in their praises.

Involve children in worship while young

Some churches push children off to age-segregated classes during church worship. While these kids learn how to cut, glue, and color, their parents experience the wonderful presence of Jesus. They grow up being entertained, distracted, and taught, but they might never experience the power of God’s Spirit.

When the religious leaders saw kids singing off key and making a game out of praising the Savior, they were furious. They demanded that Jesus do something to stop them.

“Do you hear what they are saying?” these know-it-alls shouted.

Jesus said, “Yes. Haven’t you read ‘Out of the mouth of babies and infants You have perfected praise?” And He left them. (See Matthew 21:15-17.)

Perhaps He will leave us, too, if we leave out the kids.

Children imitate their parents in worship

Jesus had just ridden into the city in the midst of shouts of praise from men and women. They had thrown out palm branches and their own coats, hailing Him, “Hosanna! Hosanna in the Highest!” (Matthew 21:1-9). The children heard and saw them doing this. Later that day, they were dancing and shouting on their own, doing the same things they had seen their parents doing. This is how to involve children in worship.

If we rip kids out of worship service and isolate them to a class, they will never learn natural involvement in worship. Sure, we can give them classes in prayer and teach them how to clap, sing, or raise their hands. However, when they learn these things in the natural environment of watching their parents, their worship is not measured and clinical.

Anger the establishment. Involve kids in worship with their family. Let them crowd down next to mom and dad as they pray and seek God’s face. Let them see that church is not something we do, but it is who we are.


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