Mom’s the Bomb – Daniel J. Koren's

Mom’s the Bomb

Posted by danieljkoren on May 8, 2011 in Devotional |

“Her children arise up, and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her” (Proverbs 31:28-29).

This Sunday marks the time of year where we thank our mothers for their contribution to our lives.  What mother doesn’t want to have her children respect her?  Notice in the above passage that the father leads by example in praising his wife, reminding the children of what a great joy she is.  Perhaps more people would appreciate their mothers if more fathers respected their wives as the crown the jewel of the home.

Proverbs chapter 31 can be overwhelming for a struggling mother under the pressures of modern life (just as chapters 1-30 provide a daunting challenge to the men).  Yet the key to being rewarded by children who bless her, is for the mother to also highly esteem them.  Children who feel loved and appreciated will naturally love and appreciate their caregiver.  When mom beams with pride over her children and delights in time spent with them, they don’t have to be told to bless; it comes naturally.

Respect is a two way street.  It’s too easy for a mother to become too demanding of her progeny.  She can slip into criticism, harping, and condemnation only to be “put out” when her kids don’t thank or respect her.  We parents often expect too much of our children and hold them to standards we struggle with ourselves or don’t even follow.  Being consistent, devoted, and inspiring to our children builds a bridge they will come back to decorate with flowers.  Being harsh, insulting, or distrustful only deepens the chasm, making it almost impossible to cross.

The old text of Scripture says her “children arise up, and call her blessed.”  The modern sense of that would be, “Her kids jump up and say, ‘Mom’s the Bomb!’”  For those of you who are not familiar with that expression it’s a modern way of saying she’s the “bee’s knees.”  Remember that wonderful woman who brought you into the world.

Without your mom, you wouldn’t be here.

1 Comment

  • Jamela says:

    機會係個天俾嘅 yes. BUT it is only those who are prepared that can see and cpaatilize the chance given. The people who always blames god/命/天 that there is no chance is absolutely wrong! If they haven’t prepared, work hard or think hard, how can they see the chance themselves, even if they see the opportunity is right in front of them, they wont have the skills, connection, knowledge or experience to take advantage of it.How sad!!!Bomb

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