God Character – Daniel J. Koren's

God Character

Posted by danieljkoren on February 2, 2012 in Devotional |
“Let nothing be done through strife or vainglory; but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves. Look not every man on his own things, but every man also on the things of others. Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 2:3-5).
Usually all we notice when we read the stories about Jesus is His miracle power.  Wow, what great feats He did that still amaze our minds.  We love to read of the healings, walking on water, and feeding thousands of people with just a McFish happy meal.  What a greater miracle for the mind of Christ to be in us.The book of Hebrews records that Jesus is the brightness of God’s glory, and “the express image of his person” (Hebrews 1:3).  While a redneck translation would say “Jesus is the spittin’ image of God,” the phrase “express image” comes from the Greek word charaktēr, where we get our word “character.”  Jesus displays the character of God in human flesh.

God calls us to reflect His image as well.  According to Thayer’s Greek Definitions, the word charaktēr  applied to a carved statue of a person. A sculpture develops totally from what is taken away. God chisels and chips away our rough spots to leave only the intricacies of His love, patience, diligence, truthfulness, wisdom, and countless attributes.  We seek to have the mind of Christ.  We live to have Christ formed in us.

As God sculpts us into a remarkable representation of Himself, He does not stop with just cutting away the bad.  He hones and polishes what is good.  Like a cabinet maker, He brings out the hidden texture, shows the grain and character already part of the unfinished product. God builds us up while He cuts away whatever is not like Him. After letting things go, we experience the sweet-painfulness of God buffing and shining up our attitudes, conduct, and thought patterns.

”Lord, let me become like you.  I don’t want to live in strife or self-interest.  Help me to think about others more than I think about myself.  I want Your mind and Your character in every aspect of my life.  Amen.”

A heart carved by Jesus does not go against your grain.

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