Please Bomb America – Daniel J. Koren's

Please Bomb America

Posted by danieljkoren on March 14, 2012 in Devotional |

How is Obama like Hitler?

If we were justified for bombing Germany because of the holocaust, then we either need someone to bomb us be cause of abortion or we need to stop ourselves from this criminal behavior.

Since Americans will not stand up against the wickedness of our own government, we need a foreign power to punish us. I hate war and oppose terrorism, but there were times when God has used war to punish a sinful nation. God once used ancient Iraq (then called Babylon) to punish His people for their evil (read Jeremiah, Isaiah, and Ezekiel detailing the approval of God on King Nebuchadnezzar’s siege against Jerusalem and the deportation of the country’s citizens). So, why do I believe we need a day of reckoning with a foreign power?

If Obama is Hitler, then we are like Nazi murderers

I do not know of many people who think we should have let Germany continue killing Jews. Most people wish we could have stopped them before things got out of control. Millions and millions of boys, girls, mothers, fathers, leaders, and inventors were gassed or shot, burned or buried. That country and their leader deserved to pay for their crime. America does, too.
How is Obama like Hitler? Because today, we are not only practicing a legal massacre, but we are promoting it around the world as well. America has already killed five times as many boys, girls, mothers, fathers, leaders, and inventors as the holocaust. We are killing them in the womb. First we permitted it, now we fund it. Soon, we will demand it like China does. We now refuse aide to other countries unless they also practice this.

Take responsibility or get retribution

If we do not turn our nation around, someone else will. Already there are signs of God lifting off His hand of favor from our country. Obama is not our problem, although he has pushed abortion further than any President yet. American people who do not care are our problem.
Will we sit around and vote for our pocketbooks and more earned income credit? Will we prioritize politics and personality over righteousness?
God’s people must hold their leaders accountable as did Jesus, John the Baptist, and Paul. Or just sit back and let Him do it the hard way. I do not want war on our soil, but something must be done to stop our criminal murder of innocent human beings.

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  • Paul Howe says:

    As usual, very good article. We now have nearly a 50 year history of butchering babies inside the womb. It has been said that the most dangerous place in America for a baby is in the womb. How many more would Hitler have killed had been allowed to stay in power for 50 years? America will come to its knees; voluntarily or otherwise.

  • John says:

    Hahaha please tell me this is a joke. This is so stupid and I can’t believe why anyone would believe this hahaha.

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