Your Full Weight on Him – Daniel J. Koren's

Your Full Weight on Him

Posted by danieljkoren on July 25, 2012 in Devotional |

We get mad at God, we get loud with God, we cry to God, and we plead with God.
But do we believe in God?
I read a story about a missionary who was translating the Bible into a tribal language in Africa. He ran into a problem with the word “faith.” These people did not trust one another and had no word for faith, trust, or belief in their mother tongue. Unable to finish translating the Word of God without this key concept, the missionary set the project down for a time, unsure of how to continue.
Sitting on the front porch, the missionary welcomed a local worker coming in from the field to join him in one of the chairs. The tired man slumped down and leaned back in the chair. With a sigh, he said, “It is so nice to have something you can put your full weight on.”
The missionary jumped up. “That is the exact concept of faith! Thank you, now I know how to finish the translation.”

Faith = putting your full weight on God

Too many Americans have been told the charismatic’s lie that faith means you speak out what you want and it will happen. True faith comes through those who trust God’s promises and lean on Him completely. We can believe our sins our gone. We can anticipate a home in heaven. We can walk through trials and sorrows with Him.
Our joy, success, and future do not lie in our abilities to envision and speak our destiny. Our hope is in the One who promised. Abraham put his full weight on God to keep His word. When you repented of your sins, you put your full weight on the blood of Jesus to take away all your wicked deeds. You live by faith, that He will give life to your mortal body, helping you overcome temptation.

Trusting Him who promised

By faith, you know you are sinless in the eyes of God. By faith, you receive the Spirit He promised as He gives you the ability to speak in languages you have not learned. By faith, you see yourself and your loved ones healed of pain, disabilities, and diseases because He has promised. You rest your full confidence in God to save your lost loved ones, because you know that He does not desire for any to perish.
God does not respond to your loudness when you pray. He does not get bullied into doing something just because 5 or 500 people pray. You cannot fast long enough to make Him pay attention and do what you want. You activate His promise when you rest yourself in His promises.
Somehow, Christians have gotten the idea that how hard we pray and the more of a frenzy we get into, the better our odds of God working a miracle. I do not see that in Scripture. Miracles happened for those who did not lean on their own abilities or religious fervor. They put their full weight on the promises of God. We need to lean on the everlasting arms and confess with our mouths the faith in our hearts.
What situation can you give Him right now, leaning totally on Him to do even more than you could ever ask or think?

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