Partners in the Flow – Daniel J. Koren's

Partners in the Flow

Posted by danieljkoren on July 17, 2013 in Devotional |

Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph!… Sing praises to God, sing praises! Sing praises to our King, sing praises! (Psalm 47:1, 6)

Bees have to keep their hive around 95°. On hot days, they fan their wings to move air through the living quarters. Some of the bees carry water to the hive and spray it into the air to create an air conditioning effect when needed. Even in very hot climates, beehives can maintain a safe temperature for the colony to thrive. This mimics the respiration and circulatory system of a larger animal. One can actually put a stethoscope or just an ear to the hive and hear the hum of life inside.
Everyone has a part in the body of Christ. Even the youngest bees fall into a useful role beginning as soon as they crawl out of their cells. Just because we are all different does not mean we do not have a place in the kingdom. A hive needs nursemaids, construction workers, gatherers, and housekeepers.
Drones, for example, live to breed. After they breed they die. If they sit around for months without having done their job, workers will often starve them out by not letting them return to the hive. Anyone who is not doing his or her part for the kingdom will be cast out. We all have a role, big or little, and we do not choose our own role. Drones, queens, and workers, were all chosen before birth to be the creatures they are.
When things in the hive get overheated—the whole colony works together to move some airflow. In the church, things can grow stale from time to time. We need to all do our part to get a fresh flow of the wind of the Spirit. We all come to the kingdom with living springs of water in our mouths which brings spiritual air conditioning to the church. Each of us has different callings of ministry, but we are all called to worship. We must all move with the wind of the Spirit in worship.

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