A worn-out old woman – Daniel J. Koren's

A worn-out old woman

Posted by danieljkoren on February 25, 2014 in Devotional |

Sarah felt like she was used up. Not only had she been barren her whole life, but she had been through menopause as well. When God mentioned that this ninety-year-old woman would have a baby, Sarah chuckled to herself, thinking, “After I am worn out will I have pleasure, especially when my husband is old too?” (Genesis 18:12, NET). You and I sometimes view ourselves by our past experiences (or the lack thereof). God sees us differently

God’s opinion of you

God quoted what she said, but He changed the words and repeated her as saying “Will I really have a child when I am old?” (Genesis 18:13, NET). He totally rejected her assessment of herself as being “worn-out” and useless. You might think of yourself as saggy and baggy, you might think life has left you empty and worthless, but the Lord has a different view of you. He does not look at what you have been, but what you will become.
When the Lord found Gideon hiding from the enemy soldiers like a big sissy, He called him, “Courageous warrior!” He was not looking at what he had been or even what he was. He did not rate the man by his self-assessment. He saw a man who would become a great leader.

From self-talk to God-talk

What does the Lord see about your future? Are you embracing it? Do you still label yourself from the old life the way everyone from your past still labels you? God doesn’t see an ex-druggie or ex-porn addict. He sees a beautiful creature shaped in His own image.
Anyone in Christ is already a new creature (II Corinthians 5:17). Stop thinking of yourself as an old creature. Stop describing yourself as barren, empty, and worn-out. You are full of life—His life, so long as you have His name in baptism and His Spirit dwelling in your life. In fact, in the great reversal, the very man who had everything perfect took on imperfection—yes, Jesus took on sin so your sorry self could take on His perfection (II Corinthians 5:21). You have been made the righteousness of God in Christ.
The big job for your salvation was done by Christ at Calvary. Your job is to recognize this and consider yourself as alive from the dead (Romans 6:11-14). Knowing what He thinks of you, what do you plan to do differently today, tomorrow, and throughout this year?

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