Dethroned? – Daniel J. Koren's


Posted by danieljkoren on April 4, 2014 in Devotional |

One day there might be a knock on the door of Buckingham Palace and eviction papers served. Can you imagine Queen Elizabeth II being kicked out on the street? Would this mean no more throne-hopefuls of King Charles or the mainstream media fairytale of a soon-to-be King William and Queen Kate? Yep.
Going back to a big cover up in the 1400’s, the throne fell into the hands of an illegitimate king. Had honesty prevailed, Edward IV’s mother would have confessed her unfaithfulness and his younger brother would have taken the throne. If the courts or other powers that be were to push to the full letter of the law following trusting the dusty archives of history, the queen and succeeding current heir-apparents would be out, on their not-so-royal backsides.

You may not be who you think you are

Some people think they belong to God but do not. They claim the throne and claim to be heirs with Christ yet they lack the proper documentation. Do you have the royal name? The name that gets you on the throne of life is the name of Jesus Christ. Just as a king would get his royal name at his christening, so you get your royal name at baptism. That is when you are born again as an infant. Have you been baptized in Jesus Name? If not, then you are just on your own high-horse, not seated with the King of Kings.
Some people have been baptized into that worthy Name but have not been filled with the Spirit of God. If you were to become a monarch of any great nation, you would learn to speak the language of aristocracy. You would learn all the turns of phrases of court and know proper decorum and poise. When you are born into the Kingdom of God, He gives you a new Spirit which comes with a new language. Just as the first-century believers received the Spirit with the evidence of speaking with a new language in Acts 2:4, so you will also speak with a language of this new kingdom—a language you did not learn anywhere.

We need the Name and the Spirit

Life in the “palace” is so different from the old life you will feel like a totally different person. Some people think they can be heirs to God’s throne without this high-language, without this evidence of that noble Spirit He freely gives. However, the divine right of monarchs says, “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God” (Rom. 8:16). If the Spirit of God is not crying out through you in baby talk (Rom. 8:15, 26) and words you do not understand, you have no claim to the throne with Him.
The Spirit baptism is proof that we are children of God. Speaking in an unknown language, also known as speaking in tongues, is proof that we have been baptized with the Spirit (Acts 10:44-46). If you have His name and His Spirit, you have supernatural evidence that you are the child of God. We are the King’s children, and “if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.” (Rom. 8:17).
If you are His heir, reimagine your life in the splendor of His kingdom.

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