Daughter – Daniel J. Koren's


Posted by danieljkoren on July 31, 2017 in Devotional |

Woman with issue of blood. Daughter.She was worthless.

She had been suffering from a bloody discharge for 12 years.

In her culture, such a person was “unclean.” Anything she touched would be “off limits” for everyone else (Leviticus 15:20-28).

You can see why no one wanted her around.

She probably had no husband. If her condition had begun after marriage, he’d probably divorced her. What man would stay with a wife he could not touch?

Imagine a life with no social contact, no closeness, no hugs for over a decade.

There was one group of people that were glad to see her, however, at least for a short time: the physicians.

Yes, she went to doctors so much she was broke. Now that she had no money left, they had no time for her. And still she was no better.

Then she got a ray of hope. It was a long shot. But it was the best news she had heard in a while.

Jesus was coming to town. She had heard about all the others He had healed. She knew He could heal her.

Faith filled her. Of course, fear dabbled with her thoughts, but she clutched her scarf close to her face and headed into the crowd.

She did not have time to think this through. Jesus never stayed anywhere long. She had to get to Him. If only she could touch His clothes.

She did not want the attention. After years of limited social interaction, she certainly didn’t want the stares of the crowd or to have to explain why she was the way she was. That still hurt to talk about. She just wanted to be whole and to go home.

As she pushed into the crowd, she silently prayed that no one would recognize her. Head down and scarf close, she pushed forward toward where the people were the thickest.

Jesus. I have to get to Jesus. If I can just touch…

And then, there He was. He was walking with… the little woman gasped—it was the leader of the local Jewish congregation.

This would be a horrible place to be discovered. She loathed her unclean self and shuttered to think of what would happen if this mob discovered her. Anyone who bumped into her was made unclean. She was supposed to warn them.

This was so wrong. But Jesus was so close. She lunged forward, nearly getting toppled by burly men crowded close to Him.

“Watch out, woman,” someone said as she pushed past.

Too late, she was there. She reached. She grabbed the fringe of his robe. Then she let go.

She stopped and gasped at what felt like electricity flow through her body.

The pain was gone. That awful throbbing in her abdomen stopped. She was healed. She knew the blood had stopped.

She wanted to shout. She wanted to tell someone. But then, what would they say if they found out? Better to go home quietly. These thoughts flitted quickly through her mind.

Suddenly, Jesus interrupted her thoughts.

“Who touched my garments?”

“Lord,” Peter said, “what are you talking about? All these people in the crowd are bumping into each other and you are worried about someone touching your clothes?

“I felt healing power flow through Me. Someone was just healed.” He turned to look at her.

The woman began to shake violently and sob. She knew she was not hidden. Jesus knew what had happened.

She waited for the scolding, the rejection. Surely Pastor Jairus there would agree that she was out of order.

She stumbled forward through blinding tears and fell down at His feet. The words came out of her mouth without even thinking. She confessed how reckless she had been to come into the crowd like this. She told Him everything—how she had lost all her money, how miserable it was to be unclean, and how great it was to be a whole woman again.

Then she realized it. It was usually inappropriate for a woman to speak in public. Jesus had just invited her to speak to His huge crowd. She got to declare the glory of God in front of all those people. Such things were not done.

So many social taboos and cultural boundaries were broken in that hour. And then, Jesus took it to another level.

He could have scolded her. He could have ignored her. Instead, what He said sent shockwaves through the crowd.

It was just one word that would change how she saw herself forever. Jesus said, “Daughter.”

A woman with nothing and no one now belonged to the only Someone. He did not just say “Ma’am.” He did not just say, “Dear lady.” He could have simply said, “Sister,” and that would have meant a lot. Instead, He said, “Daughter.”

A daughter does not have to provide for herself. She hides behind dad while he fights off the bad guys. He provides her a dwelling place.

It does not matter what your issue has been in life.

  • If you have felt rejected and alone,
  • If you have felt like no one cared,
  • If you have given it everything you have and still not gotten anywhere,

Come and get ahold of Jesus. Experience His life-transforming power as He makes you His own.

“Daughter, your faith has made you well. Go in peace, and be healed of your affliction.”

Now, go reread Mark 5:25-34


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