“Lord save me”? Or “Lord, command me to come”? – Daniel J. Koren's

“Lord save me”? Or “Lord, command me to come”?

Posted by danieljkoren on August 21, 2017 in Devotional |

How to overcome temptationSimon Peter was in a boat that was about to sink. He saw Jesus walking on the water. Realizing that he would be lost if the boat went down, he decided it would be safer to be with Jesus on the stormy water than in the boat and go under the waves.
Peter cried out, “Lord, if that’s You, command me to come to You on the water!”
“Well, come on,” Jesus said (my paraphrase).
Peter had confidence that if the Lord called Him to do it, that he could walk on the water, too. He did. Simon Peter actually walked on the water! This was not something a human can do. This was only by the power of God.
Peter, which means “The Rock,” began to look at the waves and storm around him. He stopped seeing with the eyes of faith and started looking at the facts. The Rock began to sink.
As he is going down, Peter screamed, “Lord, save me!”

Is your faith forward or backward?

Peter started with faith that Jesus would keep him above the storm. He ended with faith that Jesus could get him out trouble. Which takes more faith?
Does it take more faith to believe that the Lord will pull you out of sin? Or is it just as much faith to believe that He will keep you from sinning? The same faith that trusts the Lord to forgive is the same amount of faith needed to overcome temptation.
Too many believers today only have Lord-save-me faith. They look at the temptations and believe they cannot overcome. If you properly see Jesus, you will live with that Lord-command-me-to-come kind of faith.

Jesus saves us from sinning

Jesus did not just die and forgive your sins. He lived and overcame them. He was tempted in all points like we are but He did not sin.
We can walk with Him on the water. To make it through this life, you must keep your eyes on Jesus. People will provoke you. Tests will come in your life. You can walk above the danger with Jesus.
But first you must believe. When Peter when down, Jesus grabbed his hand and said, “Oh you of little faith, why did you doubt?”
If you fall into sin it is because you have little faith. We are called to believe into Jesus Christ. His victory over sin is mine. I can overcome because He overcame. I can pray in faith, “Deliver me from evil and keep me from temptation” because I know He will.


1 Comment

  • The Lord bless you My Friend and greetings from Wales. The Lord bless you always, thank you for your input, “Gobal input” Its amazinbg what God has done for us!. (Brother Paul)

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