Whom are you attached to? – Daniel J. Koren's

Whom are you attached to?

Posted by danieljkoren on March 7, 2018 in Devotional |
When I first began in the ministry, I was enamored by certain super-spiritual people. I invited one man to become a mentor in my life. I figured if he could preach well and be used in spiritual gifts, he would be a good role-model in my life. I bought up his books and resources. I started talking with him on occasion and traveled to see him if he had a special event.
My pastor caught me. I didn’t know I was doing anything wrong. My elder said, “You need to stop chasing stars and go home and do the work God called you to do.” I thought that was ridiculous. What I did not realize was that I was trying to feel important by association. I’ll admit I was slow to distance myself from such a great man of God.
I am glad I did, though. The man’s ministry fell apart. His personal life was awful. If I had gotten any closer, I would have been among the many who were wounded by him.
Jesus warned that we not follow people because of their spiritual gifts (such as prophecy) but because if their spiritual fruit (Matthew 7, also I Corinthians 13).
Now, I am thankful for someone who would speak into my life. I quit chasing stars and started chasing souls. I quit running to every conference. Now there are lives other than my own who are glad I did. I need to respond to His calling rather than just try to feel significant by associating with certain people.
Be sure you are pursuing a call of God and not a desire for significance.


  • Rhonda Potter says:

    Thank you for this insight. I to learned that same principle on my own. My husband and I came into the church late. He was 41 and I was 38. He was raised Baptist and I Church of Christ. What a difference the Holy Ghost made in our life. We went to every conference, revival and extra church function we could. We listened to cassette tapes (that really dates us) and chased after “stars”. But when God called us to start a church our presbyter gave us the same advice your pastor gave you. We began focusing on souls and some of the stars are gone while we are still here 29 years later.

    • danieljkoren says:

      Wow. I had not thought of it like that: falling stars. The scripture also refers to wandering stars. It is sad we make some lives so public only to ruin many who follow. Our eyes must be on Jesus!

  • Gladys R. Cook says:

    Please send info any time.it will be appreciated. Ty

  • Roy G Brown says:

    Thank You. I am pursuing the Lover Of My Soul!!!
    I am sharing your post with my 3,000 Facebook friends.

  • Matthew says:

    As a young boy in church I saw something similar to this story happen. It truly reinforces the need to set our eyes on Kingdom goals and Jesus.

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