Should Christians celebrate Passover? – Daniel J. Koren's

Should Christians celebrate Passover?

Posted by danieljkoren on March 29, 2018 in Devotional |

I remember when my pastor gave me a book for learning Hebrew. I was only 13 or so and I was fascinated with learning the original language of the Old Testament. Eventually I developed an interest in all things Jewish. After saving money and buying a Hebrew/English Bible, I added more to my collection: Hanukkah dreidel, a skull cap, a colorful book in Hebrew showing how to celebrate Passover, more souvenirs, and many other books. I have seen many Christians exhibit fondness toward Jewish things.

However, should Christians celebrate Passover and other Jewish holidays? I see a problem.

Something I never lost sight of was the fact that the Jewish people rejected Christ. I love all things Jewish, both biblical things and post-biblical traditions and rituals. However, I realize they got the important things wrong. Imitating Jews will not make me closer to the Lord.

Should Christians celebrate Passover?

Is celebration of the Passover how the Spirit was poured out? Keeping Sabbath? Is that how your sins were washed away? Blowing a ram’s horn? Is that what makes the devil flee?

I do not want to live in the shadow of my house. I want to enjoy the comforts and conveniences inside. Living under the types and shadows of the old covenant is not anything like being inside the Kingdom of God. Those who go back to the outdated covenant are living in a mirage, sucking on gravy rather than the meat, and wearing tissue paper rather than real garments of righteousness.

Living in the shadow or in the fullness?

Many are going down the path warned against in Galatians, Hebrews, Romans, and epistles to the Corinthians. Judaism is religion. It is not relationship with Jesus Christ. It is ritual. It does not bring you closer to the Lord.

One big purpose of that religion was to preserve the knowledge of God and His Word. The law of Moses cast shadows of what Jesus would be like and gave glimpses about God’s Kingdom. However, following that religion did not get anyone closer to heaven. In fact, by slavishly following those rituals, one will be distracted from the true encounter with Jesus Christ.

What would the first Christians think?

Jews were the first enemies of the first Christians. Believers in Jesus lost their jobs, were excluded from their families, and even had their lives threatened by Jews. What would they think of believers today going back and celebrating their persecutors? Would Jews today enjoy seeing us celebrate Hitler and the gas chambers?

The phrase many use is “we need to get back to our Jewish roots.” No. We do not have Jewish roots. Our roots are in Jesus. We are not tied to His earthly identity but His spiritual identity. Our claim to the Kingdom is that we have been born from above, not because we’ve had a Bar Mitzvah.

Should Christians celebrate Passover? My friend, do not go back to powerless forms of religion. Christians should not be celebrating Passover (the shadow) but Jesus, the real thing. Get rooted in Jesus through baptism, prayer, Spirit-filling, keeping a pure heart, forgiving, denying your flesh, giving, and loving others the way God loves you. You are of a Kingdom from above, not one born in the desert. Learn to love the fullness of Christ and flee the flatness of the shadow!



  • Frances says:

    Thank you for this! We celebrate Jesus becoming our Passover. A Passover that even the Gentiles can celebrate, as I would think some Egyptians would celebrate as well.

  • rivera says:

    I really enjoy all the devotionals you post.God bless you and keep on the good work.

  • Brenda Cornish says:

    Thank you! I appreciate the edifying and uplifting, also informative ministry you have on facebook. God Bless you!

  • Ron says:

    When it gets past turning from sin taking on his name (baptism) and walking in the Spirit it has to be personal (That is relationship). Anything that the flesh thinks it can do to please Jesus is idolatry.

  • Mark says:

    I’m a new reader…so, bear with me if I’m misunderstanding your post. Though I agree that we should not go back and “live” the Jewish feasts, but, one thing that I find interesting is that we are so quick to pick up all sorts of idolatrous and pagan practices but are reluctant to go back and learn from customs that YAHWEH actually commanded Israel to observe. I’m of the opinion that if we do not learn what the “Schoolmaster” (basics or foundation), then we will fail to see the completion of what Jesus did in fulfilling them all.

    I also would mention that the first believers certainly celebrated all of the feasts…especially those that were commanded in Scripture.

    Be blessed.

    • danieljkoren says:

      I hear your points here. A day is what we make it, according to Romans 14.
      You are right that the first believers did observe the feasts–it was part of their culture because they were Jewish. However, what about the first Gentile (non-Jewish) believers? Christ is our feast. It is good to know Hebrew history, but why would I stare at the only the shadow of my wife when I could spend time with her personally? The OT prepared the people for what was to come. But now that we have graduated into knowing Christ, going back to grade school does not make us more spiritual.

  • Henry Moncure says:

    Thanks for sharing. I found this to be very informative. I’m always amazed at the number of Christians that are ignorant to the fact that the Jews don’t accept our Jesus as our Living Savior. They certainly deserve our prayers.

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