“Am I in the Place of God?” – Daniel J. Koren's

“Am I in the Place of God?”

Posted by danieljkoren on August 27, 2019 in Devotional |

Rachel was frustrated. Life had not worked out to be as happy as she thought it should have been. She had not had any children.

Because of her dad’s tricks, she got stuck sharing a husband with her sister. Leah was having children just fine. Rachel wasn’t.

Finally, she blurted out her frustration to her man. “Jacob, I want a son!”

But obviously, the problem was not with him. He’d already had a few sons with Leah. He was the happy daddy of some rough-and-tumble boys.

She was grieving; he was grinning. Why was this his problem? She was infertile. 

Husband pray for wife
Her life is his life, too

Instantly, he was furious at this woman he adored. He could not see how he was supposed to cure her. (You have to see this whole story for yourself in Genesis 30.)

Jacob blurted out, “Am I in the place of God?”

Well, how we should put this? YES! Jacob only existed because someone stood in the place of God for him.

Jacob’s mom Rebekah had not had a child for many many years. Isaac, her loyal husband, did not go find fulfillment with some other woman. If Rebekah did not have a child, he would not have a child. He would not make the mistake of his father Abraham, having a baby with the housemaid.

Isaac prayed. He threw himself to the ground and got ahold of God. Standing between his wife and God, Isaac secured the miracle so she would conceive. 

That’s the origin of Jacob. He existed because someone stood in the place of God.

Now, someone else needs him to stand before the Lord for her. Rachel did not know the God of Abraham. Jacob did. 

What is your role? Are you happy in life while your spouse is unfulfilled? Do you see that as his or her problem?

To the married men, I would like to ask, “Sir, is your wife productive in ministry, or is this all about you? Husband, are you enjoying life while your wife languishes? Dad, are your children suffering while you are satisfied with yourself?”

The apostle of Jesus would say to us, “Be good husbands to your wives. Honor them, delight in them. As women they lack some of your advantages. But in the new life of God’s grace, you’re equals. Treat your wives, then, as equals so your prayers don’t run aground.” (‭‭1 Peter‬ ‭3:7‬ ‭MSG‬‬)

It took Abraham a while to realize that a husband and wife are heirs together in life. He thought he could fulfill God’s promise of a child without his wife’s involvement. I deal with this thought more in my book He Called Her.

(Check out the reviews on this book!)

My friend, whatever your place in life, someone needs you to be in the place of God for them. They don’t know how or might lack the faith. Step in between them and God and intercede until His favor shines on them.

Don’t be like Jacob and watch your family (friends, church, social circle) torn apart because you are only living for your own fulfillment. 



  • Kim Colburn says:

    Thanks to the Good Lord my husband lives for God. But I know several ladies who attend church on a regular basis and their husbands do not. My own sister in law. It’s sad and she has been praying for him for over 12 years. She knows God can!! I’m so thank ful for God’s blessings in my life and marriage. No it’s not perfect and still needs help. But God is certainly able.

  • Nina Z. Lupango says:

    God just spoke to me, but we are past bearing children age, what we do face now is fishing men age and that we be sure to be one happy couple fishing men for the Lord. Thanks for this message it was a “bull’s eye “.

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