Your Day is a Jar – Daniel J. Koren's

Your Day is a Jar

Posted by danieljkoren on May 11, 2020 in Devotional |
filled with the Spirit

I remember when new cars first came out with a voice saying “Your door is ajar.” As a kid, I remember thinking, “It’s not a jar. The door is a door.”

Yesterday I discovered, however, that your day is a jar. Well, you could think of it that way with an old but refreshing perspective on life we all should have.

How do you think of your day?

Me, I’ve thought of it as a usable commodity, something that is spent.

I say things like, “The day is over” or “I ran out of time.”

To the ancient Hebrew mind, however, the day was not something that expired. They thought of it more as a container to be filled.

Thus, the Bible gives us a hard-to-translate thought in Acts 2:1. I quote this verse as saying, “When the Day of Pentecost was fully come…” However, a more literal translation would be “As the Day of Pentecost was filling up…”

Your day is a jar.

What is filling up your days?

Are you using up time or filling it with value and significance?

How will today stand on the shelf of time? What amount of joy will fill your day? How much peace will you fill someone else’s jar with today?

The Day of Pentecost mentioned in Acts 2 was a full day! Not only was the day filled with significant events, people were filled, too.

You are a jar.

What is filling you?

On that day, a big crowd of Jesus-followers were filled with the Spirit.

You are a jar, the Spirit is being poured out.

Does the Spirit fill your day? He wants to be in us and throughout our days.

The Spirit of God does not fill us randomly and without reason. Those willing vessels on that historic Day of Pentecost had taken off their lids. They had opened themselves to the Lord through prayer and praise.

From the rising of the sun until it’s setting, we can praise the Lord (Psalm 113:3). Thus, we let Him fill us and our time in the best of ways.

You know that you have to put the big stuff in your jar first. First thing in the morning, you need to put the big stuff in or your day will only fill with little, insignificant things.

Do you let the sun rise on your praise to Jesus? Try that. Invite Him to fill you with His Spirit each day so it can be full-filling.

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