One of our twins died – Daniel J. Koren's

One of our twins died

Posted by danieljkoren on June 7, 2020 in Devotional |
Triggered much?

One of our twins died.

We did not have a funeral.

Friends stopped by that day and we didn’t even tell them what had happened.

Our female twin died but her brother survived.

He was worth more anyway.

She would have never been worth much to anyone.

See, a heifer twin to a bull is a freemartin, a female that cannot breed.

Yes, we are talking bovines, calves. 

We were really disappointed to lose her and consulted with a veterinarian as to the cause of her death and how it could have been prevented.

But no, there was no funeral and the cattle market has not been affected by this situation.

You, however, may have been emotionally affected by this write-up. 

I tried to write this in such a way as to provoke emotion. To make you think one thing by only presenting certain facts that might sway how you felt.

We are too easily triggered.

Mainstream media has mastered the art of spinning stories, holding back information, and using trigger words to spark fear or motivation about issues they are told to promote.

Are you easily played?

The devil’s band instruments are fear, anger, and shame. Which one are you being played with? Embarrassed about your past and think you can never rise above it? Triggered by situations and think you have to be the voice of retribution? Worried about the future, your safety, or the economy?

Jesus doesn’t play our emotions. He gives us His Spirit. This deep keel keeps us from going overboard in the winds of misinformation. He brings power, love, and a sound mind.

Are Christians to be band-wagoners of outrage? Should we live by knee-jerk responses or live by a charted course that will help others avoid the rocks that are smashing humanity?

So many issues in 2020 could have been a different narrative if the believers in Jesus were leading with love in action. Physical health, wholesome homes, social harmony—these are all the domain of the church because we’ve been given the remedies.

Stop being played and start living the Kingdom message Jesus brought us. What is the good news of the Kingdom? How is life different for those following this King than for those following the kingdoms (nations) of this world? 

I’d love to hear your feedback.  

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