What is the soul?

Ever heard of someone selling their soul to the devil? Sometimes I wonder if a person shouldn’t just go ahead and sell their soul because they aren’t doing anything with it anyway.
What is the soul?
Just as your physical body has a DNA blueprint for its design, I believe your soul does too. Some people do things to alter their bodies and even more people alter their souls without realizing the damage they do. Let’s talk about what alters a person after we look a little closer at how the soul works.
Your soul is a vessel like a ship.
Engineers design ships to haul cargo, fight battles, or carry airplanes. Just as ships have specific purposes during their time of service, so do you. Do you know your purpose and mission?
You have a destination, ordained by God and He has designated a pathway, a journey you will take to get there.
You could be sunk by outside forces.
Your boat does not come with the power to move forward. Most people go through life being tossed about with winds of information and social influences. They want to live up to what is popular and acceptable. Their minds fill with doubts, fears, and negativity, driving them back and forth, aimlessly at times. New teachings and thoughts come along and push in a different direction.
Surprisingly, some people do get ahead in this topsy-turvy life. Just as a sailboat tacks into the wind to move forward, you might get ahead in life in spite of the forces against you if work hard enough to overcome them.
However, your soul/ship was made to be propelled by one thing.
The Spirit.
There are many spirits. Biblically, the word “spirit” can mean “wind.” All kinds of spirits will drive you into the rocks of life. Your own emotions and impulses can leave you beached unexpectedly.
There is a sacred wind though. The phrase “Holy Spirit” in the Bible could also be translated as “sacred wind.” When Jesus comes into our lives, He moves in the right direction. Aligning our souls with the Spirit of Life in King Jesus will keep us on course to accomplish our earthly mission and reach our eternal destination.
To wandering vessels adrift in the storms of life, Jesus said, “Come to me and rest.” Are you letting Him move you each day? Just as a ship’s pilot trusts the atlas and compass, do you often reference the Holy Writings, the map for your life?
Are you resting as He guides you to love, give, and serve? Are you letting Him drive you to avoid sin and stand against it for those who follow you?
Or are you still trying hard to get out of your head, to tack and jib against all the doubts and outside expectations that threaten your life sail?
Pause and wait for the Spirit from above—that same Breath that filled the first soul—to catch your sail. Put down your paddle and relax in His presence. Your soul was made for Him and without Him, no career or monetary success will solve that gnawing dissatisfaction you feel.
The Spirit of God is not just an experience but a lifestyle. He will power every conversation, relationship, and agenda you have. No matter your background or experience, look at the New Testament for clarity on what it means to chart your course by the Spirit daily.
What are some ways the Spirit has helped you navigate life? Please share a story or thought with other readers!