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To move forward

Posted by danieljkoren on October 11, 2020 in Devotional |
How to move forward

Not only do we get to decide what things mean, we also decide what motivates our actions.

Are you unhappy? Jesus brings joy. Stressed? Jesus brings peace.

I’m weary of hearing Christian clichés from people who do not live in hope and excitement about their lives. Their gospel is a fail-safe from this miserable life instead of the Kingdom of Life Jesus promised.

If your faith is all about fear of hellfire or desire for a mansion in heaven, you are missing something here and now.

Many people who claim to be going to heaven are living from the power of hell right now.

They are tense.






Or a hundred other evil motivators.

Everything you say, think, and do is driven by one of two sources.

Life or death.

Heaven or hell.

Spirit or flesh.

Forward or reverse.

You cannot go forward and backward at the same time.

Pride and humility do not coexist. Greed and generosity are not roommates.

Even good works can be done from hellish energy.

Some people preach the gospel out of envy and strife. They want to beat people over the head with guilt or intimidate them with theological intricacies. Others share the gospel of hope, true “good news,” and bring life everywhere they go like Jesus did.

You choose where you are going to live from.

Are you the angry parent? Trying to raise good kids while using dark forces of yelling, scowling, huffing, and threatening. Fighting them to church every Sunday morning. Or are you going to gently train them how to have a pure heart?

You either give life or you take it. You cannot do both at the same time.

The Holy Spirit is the Life-giving Spirit. The human spirit and demon spirits are takers. Living from beneath will drain you and those around you.

Live from above, not beneath. The power of the Spirit surging through you gives life to you and those around you.

Everything. Ask yourself today what is the driving force behind everything you do.

Are you dieting? Why? Has the Lord led you to more self-control and to take better care of your body? Or do you want to look sexy and attract someone’s eye?

Are you working overtime to help the needy or do you want the bigger-than-practical pickup truck so others will look at you?

Let the Spirit motivate every step you take each day and you will not sin. Or, just give in to your impulses, let your flesh drive you, and you will do and say many things you later regret.

Life in the Spirit heals those around us. Life in the flesh only creates wounds, damage, and sorrow.

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