Daniel J. Koren's – Page 20 – Writing Desk

Overcoming the negative

Posted by danieljkoren on April 8, 2020 in Devotional |

Have you ever noticed how quickly we stream negativity?

Too often you hear someone say, “Boy, that cashier was rude to me,” or “Traffic was awful today.” Compare that to how often you hear someone talk about how nice the road was or how happy they are to be alive.

Like the Covid-19 virus, negativity and evil spread quickly, infecting others in exponential fashion.

We are hardwired to pass the bad stuff on, but good stuff takes focus and intention.

Picture this, someone comes in from being out and about and says, “The cashier was so nice today, the store had toilet paper in stock, and the sun was shining with a gentle warm breeze.” While those who listen will smile and nod, they will not find this news contagious enough to spread it (unless they know someone searching frantically for toilet paper).

On the other hand, watch someone come in and say, “I just saw a horrible wreck. A Dodge dually t-boned a limousine!”

“No way, was anybody hurt?”

The worse the story, the more prone we’ll be to tell others about it. Then, a little exaggeration might get added in as the viral negativity morphs and mutates to fit its hosts.

I walked with a friend through a dark time in his life when the local news shared details of his life. It was shocking how wrongly they presented the story of a man a knew and a situation I was very aware of on at least three sides of the story. Everyone, especially commercial media, spins the negative to fit a narrative they want others to believe.

In an electrical current, electrons jump from atom to atom almost at lightning speed. A transformer boosts that charge up to be more powerful. Some people are transformers of negativity, boosting and broadcasting to a wider market.

Check what is flowing in your life. A fear, complaining, hatred, or anger surging through you?

A true believer should be grounded in Jesus. The negative flow should end with us. Scripture and prayer give us a positive offset that diffuses that lethal energy.

Others need you through the hard times. You might become their spiritual grounding rod until they learn how to anchor in Jesus (yes, even people in your church might not know how to diffuse for themselves).

If you are having a hard time getting rid of the negative, watch the video (above). Let’s talk. It is important that you learn to not be a conductor of negativity because so many are needing you.

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