Daniel J. Koren's – Page 50 – Writing Desk

Understanding eMotion

Posted by danieljkoren on December 22, 2018 in Devotional |

On planet eMotion two hoods we have found

Where humans may dwell on much different ground:

The low land below is the bottom most seek

While another crowd scrambles to live on the peak.

Not many humans between may be found

For many like silence, while others the sound.

Mt. Trigglet stands high and proud above all

Where voices are raised and insults get called.

Here eMotion moves fastest, grinding like plates

With anger and stresses, complaining and hates.

Here air is so thin with high-pitchéd voices

At errors and blunders and ignorant choices.

Breathing comes thicker in the chasm below

Where worries and victims and oppressions do grow.

Thoughts of “don’t care” and “poor me” so loom

Over this clouded and crowded iCantyon of Doom!

The Valley of iCantyon feeds off currents and silt

From streams of depression oft flooded with guilt.

While many stay local, others journey between

Being too placid and being too mean.

Stresses and fears in iCantyon will build

Till a resident scrambles that oft-triggered hill,

Attacking and lashing and venting about

Those bitters and festers they hadn’t let out.

I know these places for I have camped in them both

Worries, frustrations, I began to self-loath.

Then not feeling effective by hating on self

I went from not caring—putting life on the shelf—

Too caring too much: Critiquing, condemning,

Pointing out flaws—my life again dimming.

I found a secret, a place that few see;

I will tell about it, just stick with me.

Must you live the extremes ‘twixt gloom

And adrenaline, choosing midnight or noon?

Or will you find your place in the village between

Those eMotional excesses and choose to live free?

Many marriages suffer in the metropolis of doom

As spouses choose iCantyon to set up a room.

Misery loves company and as they complain

They encourage their weakness, robbing their gains.

Or one climbs the mountain, becoming quite vocal

Nagging the other who stays low and local.

Parents often climb and then often slide

Traveling from precipice to the dark side.

“Turn off the lights! Clean up your room!

Respect us, your elders! You dress like a goon!”

Tensions then mounting, offspring acting in spite

Parents totter and tumble to iCantyon of night.

Under the clouds, children might run to hide,

Shuttering and fuming at parents topside.

Broken and pressured, looking for love,

They follow the tide wherever it shoves.

Some “can’t even” and climb that miserable peak,

Bullying, shoving, now harshly they speak.

A silver lining grants “freedom” to high and to low

Just say what you’re thinking to those you don’t know.

The iCantyons login to suck some more life

From others who seem happy and free of all strife.

But envy they feel and the cure makes them sick

Of faces so perfect, such money and cliques.

The other tribe rattles and shouts with more haste

Triggered by church folk or political waste.

Both extremes bring their drama by post and by meme

Enforcing their prisons with dark heavy beams.

Atheists, Christians, those right and those left

All victimized by both eMotional thefts.

Up in control tower, it hurts too much

To care and to meddle, to live as a crutch.

To cease from the caring, to numb off grief’s edge

Some reach for products that solemnly pledge

To take away caring, to plunge them to depths.

Others boost rudeness with some potion of heft.

In business and friendships, in home and abroad,

Those at these poles prove they need God.

He didn’t create us to live at the end of a chain

To fault find with others or get stuck in our brains.

A plateau of meaning on the horizon of rest

Causes a few to say, “This life is the best!”

They are so radiant, such joy they have hit;

The gloomies are jealous and grumpies are lit.

A tiny town this must be for

So few find it in their hurry up or

Down to where peace never dwells.

A heaven exists between polar hells.

Most humans rely on their skill and their whit,

But this village has more than the intellect bit:

They understand planet eMotion and yes,

See feelings as weather and not GPS.

Aware of themselves and their signal urges,

Know not to give in when all in them lurches.

Do others get blame for your location in life?

First you must see that migration’s your right.

You chose to move to one point or other,

So why do you blame your father or mother?

eMotion will pull you to north or to south,

But choose you must do that leveler ground.

How do you get there? This place where feelings

Aren’t sovereign and life has true meaning?

It’s address unknown, there is no way in sight.

Your religious tradition and acting so right

Can’t change rotten insides or mindsets unconscious, 

Positive thinking does not remove life obnoxious.

First, one must start where it began—confess

“My issue is human.” To fully address

The state of your soul—this slavishly paying

eMotional tolls. Your sanity fraying,

You saying, “I’m through, I’ve come to the end.”

Of yourself stand downwind, now your life can begin.

In stooping so low, you rise oh so slightly,

You’re on the right road. What you took lightly

Is now heavyweight. Off-load it you cannot

Without someone stronger. Take it and handoff,

That old self will die, when coming to Jesus

And taking His life. He gave it to us and for us.

Don’t be a fake and say some lame prayer:

Not candles and incense and fixing your hair.

It’s a place where you find He is enough:

Urges didn’t rule Him, He was born from above.

I kept living beneath or up in thin air

Until I realized what Jesus did share.

Yes, I knew about His life, when a child,

But faith in His history does not tame the wild.

Religious methods do not do the trick,

Only one thing can fix you and very quick.

His death was for me, not just past sins;

He changed my present so I’m living again.

eMotions? I have them but they don’t have me

When I realize my old self was nailed to a tree.

If I’ve left that old planet, its gravitational laws

Cannot control me: I have a new Boss.

Jesus death was not for Him but for us all,

Yet so few realize this and stay in their stall.

The Spirit guides us, and clothed with His name

Every promise is ours to loudly proclaim.

But life eternal begins now you must see

Lest planet eMotion be your destiny.

The urge to get angry or sulk in my fit

Still targets me often to give me a hit.

Yet turning by faith on His name I call,

“I died to this with you, I’m free from the Fall.

Sin cannot have me, shame cannot rule.

A dead man can’t follow impulses of fools.”

Buried with Him in that matchless Name,

My life is now hidden from all of that pain.

In flesh we still struggle but He’s given us more:

There is power within Him. I’ve found the Lord

To be a real person—a friend it would seem.

I tell Him my struggles and He plays for this team

Of two where I follow, He’s got the show:

My eMotions are covered, and free I can go.

Rejection and losses, pain and now fame,

They twinge and beckon but they aren’t the game.

Life based on purpose; this stability’s real.

Not religious professions or attempts to seal

A good name by my own efforts. No, I’ve found

A secret. It’s rare but true ground.

Mere village this isn’t, but a Kingdom it is.

Leave iCantyon and the proud precipice.

The Kingdom of God is not ruled by eMotion,

You will find yourself there, not a demotion.

Meaning, focus, life out of this world,

A King’s opinion and purpose unfurled.

My mission did change when Truth I did see;

I make a true difference when not living for me.

The hope, joy, and peace, you surely must seek

Are not in iCantyon or Mt. Trigglet’s peak.

Offloading eMotion to Him is a simplified task;

You want to know how? I was hoping you’d ask.

I pray, “Do not lead me into this temptation.”

For both high-strung or low-down emotion.

My master is Jesus, not those feelings so thin.

Although I still sense them, I’m not responding to them.

Jesus is the King and Lord whom we call

Let Him take them, or He’s not your Lord at all.

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