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Are “church services” biblical?

Posted by danieljkoren on February 27, 2018 in Viewpoints |

Unfortunately too many of us pronounce “church service” as “church serve us.” Sadly church has become something other than what Jesus had planned. All hope is not lost, however! You are reading this and that is evidence that things are turning in the right direction. You want to know what being a true disciple means.

Please allow me to suggest something more useful for your community than church services. I say this as a pastor who has had my name on a church sign right under the church service times for many years. When I introduce you to this new, mind-blowing alternative to church services, please understand that I am not saying we should stop having church services at our church buildings. I am saying there is something more your community needs: disciple services

Jesus started disciple services, not church services

When our Lord walked onto the scene of first-century religion, the people in His land were worshipping the One True God in regular services every week. Jesus participated in those services. However, He started something much more useful by starting disciple services.

After training His disciples for many months, He sent them out to be of service in their community. Their usefulness began with giving to the poor. Many of His disciples gave up their belongings to help those in need before they could officially be called His disciples.

So, kindness to the poor is a disciple service that goes a lot further than many church services.

Disciple services reach people who do not go to church services

Jesus trained His representatives to cast out devils. This service of a disciple totally transforms a person from being a slave of Satan to being a human who can make his or her own decisions. Some people are so ruled by demonic forces they can hardly make the decision to come to a church service. This disciple service of evicting demons can transform whole communities.

Another disciple service is prayer. Jesus taught His agents to not only impact the lives of individuals taken captive by Satan against their own will, but also whole communities. He taught them to pray prayers of deliverance for the land where they lived and the people they lived among that they would be delivered from the evil one!

Another of Jesus’s services was healing. He sent His disciples out to heal the sick and stop the progression of disease in destroying lives. The thief (the devil) comes to steal, kill, and destroy but Jesus came to give Life! Sickness and disease are of the devil. One powerful disciple service is to reverse the devil’s plan of destroying humans.

Disciple services reveal what the Kingdom of God is like

By ministering in the natural, disciples show the world what God is up to. The most important disciple service is that we declare the good news. Healings, deliverance, and kindness to the poor show others what the Kingdom of God is like. Disciple services give glimpses of heaven.

Now, you might be thinking, “Our church services sound a lot like these disciple services.” Awesome! If that is what your church is like, then, great. I only caution you to bring it outside the walls of your building. The disciples did not bring people to church to heal and deliver them. They healed and delivered people who then became part of the church.

Perhaps you are thinking, “These disciple services sound nothing like my church”? If church services are a time slot in your week rather than something you do for others, it is time to get back to the book. Is your church service more about, “Church, serve us”? Then stop being a church leech and start being a disciple. Don’t go to church just so you can get fed and inspired. Instead, leave each church service committed to share with others what you received there.

As good as any church service is, remember you cannot honestly say your church services are all about reaching the lost. Most lost souls do not come to your church services. What reaches the lost? Disciple services. Jesus sends us out to reach them where they are.

You aren’t in service? Enlist now!

Disciple services change the world. We break bondage. We teach truth in homes, business, schools, and coffee shops. We lead people to healing. We cast out devils. We take back territory and advance the Kingdom of God. Reread the gospels and commit to being that person the Lord has called to serve Him by serving others.

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