3 steps for building the Kingdom
Imagine if your church had 70 people who were actively reaching the lost and the pastor got up and asked for a special prayer need of more workers to get the job done. That’s what Jesus did (Luke 10). As Jesus sent out His 70 disciples, He told them to pray for more workers to help bring in the harvest of lost souls. First, we need to understand how prayer works.
Do you have the Lord’s vision for reaching the lost? Perhaps we need to see through the eyes of the Lord of the harvest to understand how He sees the work before us. Jesus gives 3 key components for this work. Let’s look at each one.
1. Pray them into Kingdom
Did you know that Jesus’s model prayer which some call “The Lord’s Prayer” was not about you alone? He taught us to pray using pronouns “us” and “our.” This is how prayer works. When you pray for the Father’s Kingdom to come, you are not just praying that for your life and your home but for your neighbors, your city, your work place, your whole region. Pray “Your will be done on earth (especially your part of earth where He placed you to establish His Kingdom) as it is in heaven.”
This is a daily prayer, as indicated by the words “this day.” Each day get up and pray the Kingdom of God into reality in your world. Pray that your neighbors and souls in the community you are reaching are delivered from temptation and not brought under the power of the evil one. Stand in the gap for lost loved ones and pray them into the Kingdom of God.
After my family and I got this vision and started praying this daily for particular people and for our local area, we have been amazed at the results. We have been overwhelmed by those the Lord has brought into His Kingdom that we thought would never respond to the gospel.
Yes, I thought I already knew how prayer works. I have followed the Lord’s Prayer as a model for my own prayer life for years. However, now that I see it as the “Us Prayer,” I am seeing answers in a way I had not dreamed of!
2. Preach them into Kingdom
Jesus sent His disciples out into homes and lives declaring the good news of the Kingdom. The good news was what Jesus was doing to make people’s lives better. If you know Jesus, you have good news to tell about Him!
If people never enter the Kingdom after you share the message with them, consider that you might be sharing bad news instead of good news. Some believers get into a zone of arguing about the Bible instead of helping people find the joy of salvation. Some want to talk about doom and gloom for the future or depressing junk from the daily news. Jesus did not send His followers out to talk about the daily news but the good news.
3. Birth them into the Kingdom
Want to bring people into the Kingdom? Then do it the Bible way! Jesus said that a person could not see the Kingdom of God unless he or she was born from above. Unfortunately many people and misunderstood what it means to be “born again” and thus do not even preach the truth of how to enter. Yes, it is possible that most people who claim to be born again are not even in the Kingdom of God.
Jesus said you must enter the new birth by water and Spirit. Other scriptures (detailed in many of my other writings) help make this clear that Jesus means baptism into His name when He says “born of water” and being immersed with the Spirit, speaking in new languages, when He says “born of Spirit.” This is entrance into this whole new world—the Kingdom of God.
Notice that the instruction of how to enter the Kingdom of God (Acts 2:38) comes after declaring the good news (Acts 2:17-36). Once people are aware of what they are missing, you can inform them how to enter. We are door keepers for the Kingdom.
You, ambassador for the Kingdom
A Kingdom is a country, another nation. The word Kingdom speaks of the rule of one over everyone else—the King. I am so glad to be serving the King of Kings, Jesus Christ and helping extend His reign over the earth. This heavenly nation is greater than any earthly nation and its power goes across all geographical and political lines!
Help extend the Kingdom of God in your area. He put you there for this reason. Know that you know how prayer works, do it!
If you are interested in winning souls and making disciples for the Lord Jesus Christ, why are you doing it with man-made methods? Let me send you my free resource with 7 steps on how to make disciples.